Kudos to Working Moms!

Being a working mom sounds like a lot of pressure and it is important that working moms know how to balance their life at home and their life at their job.

How to Balance Life at Work and Home

Here are some ways working moms can balance their life!

  • Have the Answer for Yourself

You don’t have to tell people why you work even though you have children at home, but it is important that you know the reason. This will help you to understand your life and be able to balance it more. Maybe you work because you love your career or maybe you’re a single mom and you have to work so that you can have money. Other reasons might include needing the insurance.

When people want to know why you work or why you are staying at work so long to answer emails, it is important that you know why for yourself. If you can explain to your children and your partner, why you work then that is all that matters.

  • What Does Being a Mom Mean for You?

Most of us grew up in a family with a mom and we know that our moms made choices that were needed to be done and what shouldn’t be done. Those that didn’t have a mom might have watched other families that did have mothers to figure out what being a mom meant.

Life has changed over the past few years and things that were good for moms in the 60’s or 70’s might not be what is good for people now. Or, better yet, these ideas might not even exist anymore.

Social media might tell you that you have to be a certain way to be a mom but that isn’t true. Some moms love to play with their kids with dolls or action figures while other moms might want to go out and shoot hoops or throw a ball.

Some mothers love to cook dinner each night while others order more take out. Some moms ask for people to come and help or hire a nanny while others spend every free moment with their family and don’t require the extra help.

There is no one way fits all when it comes to being a mother and you should do what is right for you. Even if you’re a working mom, you can learn to say no and to not do things that put too much pressure on you at your job or even at home.

  • Get Help

Find people that can help you and take some of the pressure of being a working mom off of you. This can be someone that comes to help you as a nanny or even someone that helps you at your job.

You might have to teach this person how you like things done but as you teach them then it will be one less thing that you have to do. You don’t have to be a super mom and do everything on your own, but you can do the best that you can and get the help that you need.

There are lots of things that come with being a mom such as planning, keeping up with the schedule, organizing, knowing what you have to spend and being at the social events that your children have. Find someone that can help you with these tasks.

  • What Sucks Out Your Energy?

Figure out what sucks out your energy as a working mom and nip it in the butt. What is taking away your energy that you don’t need to deal with? This can be having to fight with the children at bedtime or staying up too late to work. What kind of battles do you have at the end of the night that keep you up later than you want to be? What can you do to make things easier?

The things that we do at night usually aren’t necessary such as reading a book, wearing pajamas, sleeping in a certain place, all of these things are by choice. If you have to fight with your kids each night to get into their pajamas or to brush their teeth, try different approaches. Let them brush their teeth right after dinner or wear their day clothes to bed.

If you struggle in the morning, notice what is zapping your energy right away and figure out what you can do to change it. You might also have to deal with people in your workplace that zap your energy.

People that take away your energy and make you stressed out can cause you to have a bad day. Don’t be around people that give you negative energy and figure out how you can reduce this by changing the relationships that you have.

  • Take Care of Yourself

When you work and have a family one thing that you might forget is to have self-care. Some people even feel that self-care is selfish, and that people should give up all of their time for their families and their jobs.

You know that your children sleep a certain amount of time, and they need a lot of your attention but what do you give for yourself? Once you know what you need, get it. Ask your partner or your boss to support you and then get in control of your own life.

If you don’t have people that support you to take care of yourself, find people that will. There are people that know that moms that work have needs and they will help you if you just ask.

Learn to tell people what you need and to ask for support. There are resources that will also help you out and you will see that as your children grow and you grow with them everyone will be happier if you are taking care of yourself as well.

You don’t have to be perfect and sometimes just taking a 30-minute bath alone can help you to feel better. Or, if you can, go to an exercise class and take a few minutes to feel healthier in your mind and body.

  • Balancing Life

Balancing life doesn’t mean that you’re standing on one foot but in this case, it means that you need to learn to relax and you need to make sure that you’re thinking straight. Do this with both feet on the ground and with your mind in the right place.

Make sure that you’re spending time laughing and having fun and that you are relaxing throughout your day. Balancing your life will help you to have peace in your mind, body, and soul. This is about you.

You are the only one that can balance your life as a working mom and no one else’s opinion really matters in this case.

Final Thoughts

It isn’t easy to work a job much less to be a working mom. One of the hardest things in the world is to be a parent and if you’re struggling to balance motherhood and working, read the article above and see what you can do to improve your life for the better.

Doing these things won’t just make you feel better, but it will make things better at home with your partner and your children.

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